Company Information
World Wide Sires: Bringing Value to Your Investment in Elite Genetics
Who Are We?
World Wide Sires (WWS) was founded in 1971 by Bill Clark, Californian dairyman and breeder of Cal-Clark Board Chairman (sire of Blackstar). Mr. Clark’s passion for cows and international people grew into a global business that has become a household name for farmers around the world.
Over many years WWS genetics were available in Ireland through several AI companies. However, in 2016, the need to offer something different in the Irish market was realised and WWS Ireland was founded.
The same passion for cows and people that created WWS is what drives the business today. We believe long standing customer relationships are built by helping farmers become more profitable, through genetics that really make a difference. Better Cows = Better Life.
What Do We Do?
WWS offers customers an unparalleled line-up, with bulls excelling in TPI, Production, Management Traits, Fertility and Type. We place emphasis on quality and quantity, as we offer a large selection of bulls that are consistently rising to the top.
We pride ourselves on providing a differentiated product and service to Irish Farmers. Offering premium Sexed product, a diverse selection of highly reliable Proven sires, the hottest new Genomic releases and genetics that perform time and time again in the Irish system. Our customers and their success are our highest priority.
As well as world-leading genetics we also offer other profitable tools to our customers. The World Wide Mating Service (WMS) is designed to build a better herd through customised genetic plans. CowManager is unrivalled in its technology and service; monitoring health, fertility and nutrition in the herd.
Why WWS?
Put simply, WWS delivers. We provide profitable genetics, superior customer service, and a dedicated team to ensure your herd’s success.
Don’t just take our word for it…

Colin Stephenson – WWS Genetic Consultant
Seeing WWS genetics making a positive impact on our own farm made working for the company an easy choice. The experience of using WWS product on my own herd has also helped me greatly when advising customers on genetics.
WWS is at the forefront of bovine genetics and being able to offer quality product and exciting new sires to your customers is a great feeling. Knowing that you are playing a part in a herds’ progression and ultimately helping a farmer achieve a better herd is why I became a Genetic Consultant for WWS.